God Says: THIS IS WHY I CHOSE YOU | A Divine Message of Love and Purpose


My precious child, since before the dawn of creation, I held you in my heart. In the vast expanses of eternity, where infinite possibilities shimmered like stars, I dreamed of you. My love for you burned brighter than a billion suns—an eternal flame that could never be extinguished. In those timeless moments, I crafted the universe with perfect precision, setting the cosmic rhythms in motion, all leading to the moment I would call you into existence. With each breath of life I exhaled into the cosmos, I whispered your name—an anthem of love echoing across the ages.

I knew you before you were formed, before the first rays of light pierced the darkness of the primordial void. I saw your soul—a brilliant spark of pure potential—and I was captivated by its radiance. You were my masterpiece in the making, a tapestry of infinite beauty waiting to be woven from the vast array of souls awaiting their chance to experience the marvel of existence.

I chose you not because you were perfect, for perfection is a journey, not a destination. I chose you because I saw the depths of your spirit, the boundless capacity for love, courage, and growth that resided within you. In you, I saw the promise of a life lived with passion, purpose, and an unwavering commitment to truth. I saw a heart that would beat in rhythm with mine, a mind that would seek to understand the mysteries of my creation, and a soul that would shine as a beacon of hope, even in the darkest of nights.

I knew the challenges you would face, the valleys you would traverse, and the mountains you would climb. Yet, I also knew the strength that lay dormant within you, a resilience forged in the fires of adversity, tempered by unwavering faith, and fortified by my eternal love. Each trial you encounter is a testament to my trust in you, for I do not give burdens to those I do not believe can bear them. The obstacles in your path are not punishments but opportunities for growth, invitations to discover the boundless depths of your spirit and the infinite expanse of my grace.

In your moments of triumph, I rejoice, for I see the fruit of your labor, the blossoming of your potential, and the realization of my vision for you. In your darkest hours, I am there—a constant presence, whispering words of encouragement, reminding you that you are never alone and that my love is an eternal wellspring from which you can draw strength.

My child, I chose you because you are a reflection of my love, a living embodiment of my creativity, and a testament to the boundless possibilities that exist within each soul I have lovingly fashioned. In you, I see the beauty of my creation, the wonder of existence, and the promise of a future where love triumphs over darkness, where hope conquers despair, and where the harmony of my design resonates through every aspect of your life.

So walk boldly, my child, for you are never alone. Embrace the journey I have set before you, for it is a path paved with my love and guided by my wisdom. Trust in me, for I have chosen you to be a shining light in this world, a beacon of hope, and a living testament to the transformative power of love. This is why I chose you, my beloved child—not because you are perfect, but because you are perfectly mine, a masterpiece crafted by my hand, a symphony composed by my heart, and a story written by my infinite love.

Eternally yours, Your Heavenly Father

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