This Baby Was Born with Grey Hair—Here’s What He Looks Like Now


There’s no doubt that all newborns are beautiful, their photos flooding social media as it’s nearly impossible to resist the sight of a baby peacefully sleeping, with tiny noses, arms, and legs curled up.

But when a baby is noticeably different, it’s truly remarkable.

In Hungary, a baby boy weighing nearly five kilograms was born and given the name Benz!

A Unique Feature

Though born completely healthy, Benz stood out due to one unusual feature—grey hair! Despite conducting several tests, doctors couldn’t pinpoint the cause. Initially, they suspected albinism, but the results ruled that out.

A Family Mystery

Benz is the third child in his family, and neither of his two older siblings shares this rare trait. Doctors speculated whether the mother had experienced significant stress during pregnancy, which might explain Benz’s unusual appearance. However, Benz’s mother insisted that her pregnancy was smooth, with no stress or complications at all.

Scientific Speculation

Scientists have suggested that blonde or light-colored hair in children can be inherited. They also theorized that Benz’s grey hair could be due to a vitamin B12 deficiency or a mutation in his hair cells.

A Local Celebrity

Since his birth, Benz has captured the hearts of many, becoming somewhat of a local celebrity. People have even taken to calling him the “Charming Prince” due to his distinctive looks and adorable charm.

In conclusion, Benz’s story is not only a reminder of the beauty of uniqueness but also an example of how genetics can surprise us in the most charming ways.

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