29 Days Old, Two Tiny Lion Cubs Want to Block the Road (Video)


A while ago, I edited a video about a pride of lions in Kruger Park and added some music. Several viewers expressed a preference for watching the video with only the original sound. Although there isn’t much sound, I have now made a version without music.

Get in our car and join us on a game drive in the park. Just north of Lower Sabie, we saw a young lion that did not dare to return to the pride. Further down the road, we witnessed a lioness picking up her cubs one by one and bringing them to the den. The male lion just watched the scene without lending a helping hand.

Watch the Video

The Scene Unfolds

Young Lion’s Hesitation

As we drove through Kruger Park, just north of Lower Sabie, we encountered a young lion. This lion appeared hesitant and did not dare to return to its pride. The nervous energy was palpable as it lingered by the roadside, contemplating its next move.

Lioness and Her Cubs

A bit further along, we were treated to a heartwarming sight. A diligent lioness was busy picking up her tiny cubs, one by one, and carefully transporting them to their den. This tender display of maternal care was captivating to watch. Each cub, only 29 days old, showed a mix of curiosity and dependency as they were carried away to safety.

The Observing Male

While the lioness was busy with her maternal duties, the male lion stood nearby, observing the scene. Despite his imposing presence, he did not assist in the task. His role seemed more of a protector, overseeing the family from a distance.

A Unique Experience

This game drive offered a rare glimpse into the daily lives of lions in Kruger Park. The absence of music in the video allows viewers to immerse themselves fully in the natural ambiance of the park, making the experience even more authentic and engaging.


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