Terrified Calico Cat’s Personality Completely Blossoms Once She Finds Her Loving Forever Home


Bethany, a dedicated cat lover and rescuer, shares the incredible transformation story of Lola, the calico kitty who stole her heart.

Lola’s journey began when she was just a kitten, found abandoned next to a garbage can in dire condition.

Rescued from the streets, she spent a year and a half in foster care, enduring hardships until she found her way to Beth’s Furry Friends organization in Long Island.

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Despite being in a safe environment, Lola faced significant challenges. The bones in her hind legs weren’t formed correctly, yet she bravely managed to walk.

Additionally, vets discovered that Lola had eyelid agenesis. According to the Veterinary Vision Center, this condition involves abnormal or missing eyelids. If part of the eyelid is missing, nearby hairs can rub against the eye, causing discomfort and potential issues such as ulcers.

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Bethany was determined to give Lola the love and care she deserved, regardless of her condition. Though it wasn’t easy, with patience and love, they slowly helped Lola adjust. Bethany recalled:

“When we picked her up, her whole body was trembling. My mom and I laid on the floor and would hand-feed her one piece of food at a time just to get her to eat.”

Bethany did everything possible to make Lola feel more comfortable, but progress was extremely slow. Lola was constantly hiding under the furniture. However, after a month, she finally began cooperating.

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Lola started coming to Bethany on her own, playing around the house, and exploring her new surroundings. It was as though she finally realized she had a forever home where she was safe. But it took her around eight months to come and snuggle in Bethany’s lap.

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As Lola settled in, her personality blossomed. She found her voice and surprised the family with her soft and sweet meows and chirps. Bethany said:

“As she’s become more comfortable, she’s found her voice. She doesn’t meow; she chirps. She won’t stop chirping until she gets what she wants.”

Despite her weak hind legs, Lola moved around with no problems. Still, her new loving parents wanted to make it even easier for her to climb to the next floor by making her a ramp.

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After realizing all she needed to climb up was the carpet, Bethany took the ramps down and put carpet treads on the stairs so that Lola had something to grip onto while climbing up. Bethany recalled:

“She goes down the stairs in a handstand. So, just using her front limbs, and it’s incredible. I mean, she should get a gold medal.”

Moreover, Lola’s vision also improved. She had a procedure that got rid of the hair follicles to prevent them from causing discomfort and other issues.

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Slowly but surely, Lola transformed from a timid feline to the confident ruler of the household. Bethany explained:

“My husband and I have been rescuing cats since before we were married. She’s in a household where there’s constantly rotating cats, and she will tell them who’s boss.”

Stories like Lola’s truly warm my heart. They show us how our help, patience, and love can help someone become a better version of themselves.

Lola came to Bethany as a terrified feline, and thanks to her loving family, she blossomed into a gorgeous calico cat who quickly became the boss of the house!

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