Snuggling ‘Thankful Babies’ Show How Affectionate Kittens Can Be


For those who haven’t been “owned” by cats, there’s a common misconception that felines aren’t affectionate. However, anyone who has fostered kittens or had cats knows just how loving they can be, especially when they form bonds with other kittens—even from different litters. This is exactly the case for the Thankful Babies, a group of kittens who love snuggling together in the most adorable way.

Foster mom Heidi Shoemaker shared a heartwarming video of 7-week-old Hannie cuddling with Jadon. Having fostered hundreds of kittens in Castle Rock, Colorado, Shoemaker never tires of witnessing these affectionate kitten moments. Soon, Hannie and Jadon will be ready to find their forever home together, bringing their cuteness to new adopters who will enjoy daily doses of kitten love.

A Pile of Snuggling ‘Thankful Babies’

What could be better than two cuddling kittens? A whole pile of them! Below, you’ll see Hannie and Jadon’s siblings, born five weeks earlier to Mama Cleo.

Cleo, about one year old, was an owner surrender due to severe allergies in her previous home. Used to being around people, she arrived with her name and her six-day-old babies, dubbed the “Thankful Babies” since they were raised around Thanksgiving (though they were born on Halloween).

The Thankful Babies

The kittens were named Baby Rei, Gracie, Hannie, Jadon, and Jobe—each name reflecting thankfulness or gratitude, fitting for their holiday-themed upbringing.

“Each name means THANKFUL or GRATEFUL!!! How perfect for the month of Thanksgiving!!!🥰🦃🍁🥧,” Shoemaker shared.

Thankful for a Caring Home

Though the Thankful Babies are now thriving, their early weeks were challenging. At four weeks old, they were adorable but required intensive care. Shoemaker had to give them multiple medications and eye drops, but thankfully, they all recovered and began eating wet food as they grew stronger.

Mama Cleo’s Dedication

Despite Mama Cleo’s efforts, Shoemaker had to ensure the kittens received enough nutrition, syringe-feeding them when some weren’t gaining weight as expected. Fortunately, with love and attention, all the Thankful Babies made it through the tough times. Growing up around the holidays also provided plenty of adorable photo opportunities with festive decorations!

Hannie Loves Jadon

As early as three weeks old, Hannie was already posing for the cutest pictures.

“This picture kills me they are just so cute!!! Hannie is always posing for me and is so alert! They are all so precious!!💞💞💞💞💞” Shoemaker shared.

The special bond between Hannie and Jadon became evident early on, with Shoemaker often catching them snuggling or playing together.

“Not sure what Jadon is trying to do to Hannie!!🤣🤣🤣 They are soooo cute though!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰”

Their connection only deepened as they grew, becoming inseparable.

New Beginnings for the Thankful Babies

Thanks to Shoemaker’s care and the kindness of those who donate to her foster efforts, the Thankful Babies and Mama Cleo are ready to begin their new lives with loving families. Those in Colorado can learn more about adopting or supporting kittens like the Thankful Babies through Instagram, Facebook, and the Foster Kitten Mama website.

By the way, Hannie has now developed an adorable spotted belly, perfect for rubs!

And who could resist showing Gracie and Rei in their holiday blankets, celebrating their first Christmas?

“Sleepy baby Gracie!😴🐾”

“Sweet little Rei is getting so big! He weighs the most out of his siblings. Happy and healthy boy!!🥰🥰🥰”

These affectionate, snuggling kittens are proof that cats, especially when raised in a loving environment, can form the most precious bonds that bring warmth and joy to any home.

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