Puppy With Deformed Leg, Rejected By His Mom, Becomes The Sweetest Teddy Bear


When life throws you lemons, make lemonade! Or, in Flipflop’s words, when life presents challenges, overcome them with the sweetest smile!

A Resilient Start

Bosley’s Place, the Georgia rescue, shared the inspiring story of Flipflop, a tiny pup rejected by his mother due to a leg deformity. This little pup, resembling a Teddy Bear, fought bravely towards recovery!

A Heartwarming Turn of Events

Then came the biggest surprise of his life!

An Inspiring Journey

Despite a rough start, Flipflop didn’t have a sweet beginning in life. At only a few days old, he was abandoned by his mom due to his front leg deformity, struggling for survival. But then, a miracle arrived!

The Rescue Mission

A compassionate group of rescuers at Bosley’s Place in Georgia decided to intervene and change this little boy’s life for the better.

A Fighting Spirit

Once taken in, Flipflop quickly began to show progress. He latched onto the bottle immediately and started gaining weight steadily.

“Other than the obvious deformity of his front left leg, he appears to be very healthy with a great appetite,” the Bosley’s Place team wrote on Facebook.

The dedicated team monitored his progress around the clock. Within weeks, this rejected pup blossomed into a healthy and happy dog!

A Blossoming Personality

Flipflop started interacting with other pups, making new friends at the rescue. His unbelievably charming personality made him the center of attention in no time.

He played joyfully with other dogs, enjoying every moment as if his past struggles never happened.

Facing Uncertain Decisions

The caregivers were concerned about his deformed leg, unsure whether to opt for amputation to avoid potential infection.

A Fortunate Outcome

As Flipflop grew older, the answer came!

The vet confirmed that this tiny boy, a full-blooded toy Poodle, didn’t need surgery.

“He’s getting around just fine, it doesn’t bother him whatsoever, and because he’s not a 60+ pound dog, he’s not dragging it and it is not at risk of infection, so… He gets to keep the leg,” BP wrote on Facebook.

Flipflop In A New Home

Once cleared for adoption, wonderful news arrived at the rescue! Nikki and her family, lifelong dog lovers, decided to take Flipflop home.

A Happy Ending

The BP crew was thrilled to see their little buddy start a new chapter of his life. Knowing he was going home with Nikki brought great relief and joy!

A Loving Family

This incredible family didn’t stop there! Aside from Flipflop (now Butters), they adopted two more special-needs dogs, Griff and Henry.

“He has an amazing family, truly incredible… Not only did they adopt Flipflop, now Butters, but they also adopted TWO of our other special-needs puppies, Griff and Henry, now Hank,” BP wrote in an update post.

A Bright Future

Today, Butters couldn’t be happier in his new home with the siblings and humans he loves the most. After a rough start in life, he’s finally in the place he deserves, making every day a brand-new adventure!

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