“Honoring Service: K-9 Officer Faust Receives Touching Farewell After 8 Years on the Force”


Faust, a devoted German Shepherd and K-9 officer, recently concluded an illustrious eight-year career with the BNSF Railway Police Force in Texas. Known for his role as an Explosives Detection and Patrol dog, Faust, alongside his handler Senior Special Agent Bryan Schaffer, made significant contributions to community safety and national security.

An Emotional Tribute

The emotional weight of Faust’s retirement was felt during his final ride in the patrol vehicle, a poignant moment marking the end of his dedicated service. On March 3, 2017, as part of a time-honored tradition, Faust received his final radio call, a ceremonial gesture that acknowledges the retirement of law enforcement officers.

Captured in a moving video, which has since garnered over 720,000 views on BNSF Railway’s YouTube channel, the bond between Faust and his handler is palpable. As the dispatcher announced his retirement, stating, “K-9 partner Faust just completed his last shift after serving as an Explosions detection and police service canine for eight years and one day, and he is now officially retired. Faust, thank you for your service to the BNSF Railway, the communities you’ve served, and most importantly, for serving and protecting your handler. Now, we wish you a well, healthy, and happy retirement. Radio clear,” the significance of the moment became overwhelmingly clear.

In response, Faust whimpered, a heartfelt reaction to the end of a significant chapter in his life. Officer Schaffer, visibly emotional, responded with affection, giving Faust a kiss, symbolizing their deep connection and mutual respect.

Faust’s retirement marks the culmination of a career filled with bravery, loyalty, and an unwavering commitment to his duties. His story is not just a testament to his contributions but also highlights the profound bond between a K-9 and his handler—a relationship built on trust, companionship, and shared experiences.

For those wishing to witness this touching farewell, Faust’s last radio call can be viewed on YouTube, serving as a lasting tribute to his commendable service and the emotional day of his retirement.

Faust’s journey from an exemplary K-9 officer to a cherished family member and an honored hero captures the essence of what makes working dogs so integral to our communities and our hearts. His service went beyond the line of duty, touching lives and providing unmatched loyalty and protection.

After retiring from active duty, Faust enjoyed three peaceful years as a beloved member of the Shaffer family. His days were filled with the love and comfort that he so rightfully deserved after years of unwavering service. His passing in 2020 at the age of 13 marked the end of a significant chapter for both the Shaffer family and the BNSF Railway Police Force.

Throughout his service, Faust exemplified traits that are not only admirable in a working dog but in any individual—integrity, bravery, loyalty, and joy in every task. These qualities, along with his ability to connect with his handler on a profound level, set him apart. Special Agent Bryan Shaffer’s reflections about Faust’s role in his life underscore the deep emotional bonds formed between K-9 officers and their handlers—a relationship built on trust, mutual respect, and deep affection.

The induction of Faust into the We Ride to Provide (WRTP) Hall of Fame posthumously honors his contributions and ensures that his legacy will be remembered and celebrated. This accolade serves as a tribute to Faust’s character and his impact, not just as a public service dog, but as a true hero and companion.

As BNSF Railway noted in their tribute on Instagram, Faust’s story is a poignant reminder of the vital roles service animals play and the indelible marks they leave on our lives. Faust’s legacy, marked by heroism and heart, continues to inspire and resonate with all who learn of his dedication and love. In every memory shared and story told, Faust’s spirit remains a beacon of courage and loyalty, embodying the essence of service and the profound bond between a dog and his handler.

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