Six Common Practices Among Christians That Lack Biblical Foundation


It is not uncommon for many to partake in certain practices believing them to be rooted in biblical doctrine, when in fact, they are not.

The Bible, replete with wisdom and guidance, is frequently misquoted and misunderstood, including the words of Jesus Christ. Though Jesus’ ministry spanned only about three years before His crucifixion, this brief period gave rise to a complex tapestry of truth, myth, and superstition. Despite a core set of beliefs central to Christianity, interpretations of the Bible vary widely. Modern followers often perceive scriptures in ways they were never originally intended to be understood.

Misquoting scripture is a common issue among Christians. Some actions and beliefs are mistakenly thought to align with biblical teachings due to misinterpretations, insufficient understanding, or misguided teachings. It’s crucial for believers who live by and proclaim the Word to deeply understand the Bible and take God’s commandments seriously. Here are six commonly practiced non-biblical behaviors:

1. Citing Non-Scriptural Sayings as Biblical In Psalm 119:16, David commits to valuing God’s laws and not forgetting His words. Similarly, Deuteronomy 11:18-19 exhorts the Israelites to internalize God’s commandments. Despite this, many believers claim certain sayings are scriptural when they are not found in the Bible. These may be clever rephrasings or outright fallacies that can lead to heretical beliefs. If it’s not from the Bible, its divine authenticity cannot be confirmed.

2. Consulting Horoscopes for Predicting the Future Many are drawn to astrology and horoscopes out of a desire for knowledge and guidance about the future. Astrology, which attempts to determine destiny from the stars and planets at birth, is referenced negatively in the Bible. For instance, the Bible discusses the ineptitude of Babylonian astrologers in Daniel 2:10-11 and 4:7, and Isaiah 47:13 criticizes the reliance on astrologers. Astrology is objectionable to God as it attributes to celestial bodies powers that only God possesses, and seeks divine will through unappointed means.

3. Tithing Out of Obligation The topic of financial contributions to the church is often avoided in discussion. In the Old Testament, tithing was prescribed as a way to support the religious and societal structures of ancient Israel. However, the New Testament emphasizes that giving should be cheerful and not done out of compulsion or for recognition (2 Corinthians 9:6-7 and Matthew 6:1-4). Believers should give from a place of gratitude, remembering that all blessings come from God (James 1:17).

4. Believing in Karma Karma, a concept from Buddhist and Hindu doctrines, suggests that one’s actions in life dictate their fate in future incarnations. This notion is contrary to biblical teachings, which do not endorse reincarnation but speak of eternal life based on faith and God’s grace. Hence, the concept of karma is inconsistent with biblical doctrine.

5. Adhering to Superstitions Superstitions or beliefs in objects possessing magical powers are considered idolatry in the Bible. Practices like magic, divination, or sorcery are strictly forbidden as they can open individuals to demonic influences. Acts 4:28 and Ephesians 1:10 affirm that nothing happens outside of God’s sovereign will.

6. Consuming Alcohol to Excess The Bible clearly opposes drunkenness. While there has been historical and modern debate about moderate drinking, the Bible emphasizes that overindulgence in any addictive behavior is akin to serving a master other than God (Matthew 6:24). Christians are called to forsake past sinful behaviors as they do not align with the teachings of Jesus (1 Corinthians 6:10).

The Bible stands as an unparalleled historical document, profoundly shaping both Western and Eastern civilizations. Its authenticity and teachings are integral to the faith and practice of Christians worldwide.

About the Author: Lesli White holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications with a focus in print and online journalism from Virginia Commonwealth University. With a robust religious background influenced by her father, a Lutheran pastor, White has been actively involved in various church ministries from a young age.

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