Woman Gives Boyfriend the Boot After He Verbally Abused Her Cat


Would you end a relationship if your partner was verbally abusive to your beloved pet? That’s exactly what one woman had to decide when she caught her boyfriend berating her cat, Millie. Seeking advice, she took to Reddit to discuss the situation. Was she being overly sensitive, or was it time to kick him to the curb?

Recently, the man had moved into her apartment, despite making it clear that he didn’t care for cats. The woman, who used the username “catwoesthrowaway” on Reddit, shared the events that unfolded. At 24 years old, she had raised Millie from a kitten and considered her the “baby girl” of the household. But when she started dating a 30-year-old man, red flags about his attitude toward Millie quickly emerged, initially disguised as harmless jokes.

‘Get Rid of That Cat’

At the start of their relationship, the boyfriend would make lighthearted jokes about Millie whenever he visited.

“Back when my boyfriend and I first started dating, he made a joke that if we were ever going to live together, he’d have to ‘get rid of that cat,’” she explained.

Although she dismissed the comments at first, thinking they were just a preference, she began to notice his growing distaste for Millie. He’d ignore her and make comments about how much he disliked cats, preferring dogs. Still, she brushed it off, believing it was harmless.

However, when the couple started discussing moving in together, the tone shifted. The boyfriend asked her outright if she would consider rehoming Millie, citing that he didn’t want to live with a cat. The woman was shocked that he was serious.

Boyfriend Doesn’t Want to Live With a Cat

As they got closer to moving in, the boyfriend’s disdain for Millie became more obvious. He pressured her to give Millie away, but the woman held firm, refusing to part with her beloved pet. Though he initially seemed to take the rejection well, things took a darker turn.

Boyfriend Caught Verbally Abusing Millie

One night, the woman overheard her boyfriend speaking to Millie in an uncharacteristically harsh tone.

“I don’t think he realized I was in the kitchen when he came home. Millie was on the couch, and I heard him go into the room and give this sigh,” she wrote.

Then, she heard him say, “You’re so f**king worthless.” His words were cold and filled with malice, sending chills down her spine. She rushed into the room, horrified to find him glaring at Millie.

Asked to Leave

At that moment, she completely freaked out, demanding that he leave her apartment immediately. He was taken aback and asked where he should go, but she stood her ground, insisting that he leave. Furious, he slammed the door as he left.

Shaken and upset, the woman held Millie, who cuddled up to her, sensing her distress.

Later, the boyfriend asked to come back, and she reluctantly agreed. The two had a calmer conversation, during which he claimed he was just being “playfully mean” to Millie, comparing it to how she sometimes called the cat little names. He insisted he had misjudged his tone.

Playfully Mean or Malicious?

During their discussion, the boyfriend admitted he felt “second-best” to Millie and resented that she wouldn’t consider giving up the cat. He felt she was choosing a pet over him and expressed frustration that she called it “her” apartment, even though they were supposed to share the space.

The woman began to question whether she had overreacted, feeling guilty for making him feel unwelcome. She apologized for making him feel like the apartment wasn’t his home but couldn’t shake the feeling that his behavior towards Millie was more than just a misunderstanding.

Eye-Opening Comments and an Update

In a later update, the woman explained that the overwhelming support she received from Reddit users helped her see things more clearly. Many commenters warned her that the boyfriend’s behavior was manipulative and that Millie could be in danger if he stayed around. Some even feared that he might try to get rid of Millie himself.

“He is manipulating you to one day give up the cat,” wrote one person.

Others pointed out that his behavior showed signs of gaslighting, making her question her instincts.

Encouraged by the comments, the woman decided to break up with her boyfriend.

“Everybody’s comments were extremely eye-opening. I felt sick to my stomach reading about people afraid for Millie… and it had already crossed my mind, honestly. Making that post validated all the fears that I had kept dismissing as dramatic,” she shared.

The Right Call

She knew she had made the right choice after the breakup. The boyfriend told her she’d end up alone if she couldn’t put humans before her cat, but she didn’t waver.

“Millie doesn’t deserve to just be tolerated; she deserves to be safe and treated like the little princess she is by anybody I live with,” she said.

In the end, she chose to protect Millie, knowing that the bond they shared was more important than staying with someone who didn’t respect her love for her pet. She realized that Millie was more than just a pet; she was family.

It seems this brave woman made the best decision for both herself and Millie, ensuring that they can continue living safely and happily together. Now, she’s free to find someone who will cherish both her and her cat as much as they deserve.

Below is a photo of Millie, posted by catwoesthrowaway:

Featured image by googlerankfaster via Pixabay, Pixabay License

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