Man Lies to Wife After Giving Her Beloved Cat Benji to Local Shelter; Now the Husband Needs a New Home


Losing a pet is one of the most heart-wrenching experiences a person can endure, but imagine finding out your spouse has secretly taken your cat to a shelter. This is exactly what happened to one woman, leading to an outpouring of support after she shared her story online.

When the husband of a woman grieving the loss of her father secretly gave her beloved cat, Benji, to a shelter, he set off a chain of events that led to their marriage falling apart—and made headlines across the internet.

The Heartbreaking Betrayal

The woman, who had a deep emotional bond with Benji after adopting him in the wake of her father’s passing, was devastated when she learned what her husband had done. He had taken Benji to a shelter while she was away and lied about it, telling her that the cat was staying with a coworker.

This wasn’t just a betrayal involving a pet—it was a breach of trust that hit the woman at her core, especially considering how Benji had helped her cope with her grief.

Benji: More Than Just a Cat

After losing her father, the woman adopted Benji, a tiny kitten she rescued when he was so small he could fit in her hand. Over time, she developed a belief that Benji was a reincarnation of her father, finding comfort in this connection.

As she explained on Reddit:

“This may sound crazy to some, but I really believe Benji is the reincarnation of my Dad. When I look into his eyes, I feel something more than a cat. Like a cat born with a human soul.”

While her husband thought this belief was “strange and unhealthy,” for the woman, Benji became a lifeline—a source of love and solace.

A Husband’s Big Mistake

Her husband, clearly uncomfortable with the bond she shared with Benji, decided to take matters into his own hands. While she was away visiting family, he took Benji to a local shelter, believing that removing the cat would “solve” the problem.

When the woman returned and asked where Benji was, the husband concocted a story, telling her that the cat was staying with a coworker. The coworker even went along with the lie, claiming that Benji was being taken care of.

But the truth came out when the woman called the coworker’s wife. She learned that Benji wasn’t with the coworker at all—he had been taken to a shelter.

The Search for Benji and the Decision to Leave

Fortunately, the woman was able to track down Benji at the shelter and bring him back home. However, the damage was done. The betrayal was too deep, and she decided to leave her husband, taking Benji with her to live with her supportive family.

“I am heartbroken, but also incredibly thankful that my poor boy is now home safe! He was clearly stressed and confused but he is settling in quite well at my sister’s,” she wrote.

The Aftermath: A Fresh Start with Benji

The woman shared that she hadn’t returned home since retrieving Benji and had no plans to reconcile with her husband. Thanks to the overwhelming support she received online, she felt empowered to move forward with her decision to divorce.

“My family has supported me in my decisions, and they are all willing to do whatever it takes to help me,” she said.

A Lesson Learned the Hard Way

Whether the husband was jealous of Benji or simply unable to understand the emotional bond his wife had with the cat, he learned the hard way that pets are family. His actions cost him both his marriage and the love of his wife.

As for the woman and Benji, they are now starting a new chapter together, with the support of her family and the countless people online who rallied behind them. This story serves as a powerful reminder of the emotional depth pets bring to our lives—and the irreplaceable bonds we form with them.

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