The “Cat Distribution System” Seems to Find Feline Lovers When They Least Expect It: How One Man’s Life Changed Forever


The “cat distribution system” seems to have a mysterious way of finding feline lovers when they least expect it. As we see every day, cats instinctively know who their humans are the moment they spot them. Sometimes, this system seems to choose the same person repeatedly, offering an ongoing membership to cat lovers. That’s exactly what happened to Los Angeles cat dad Nick King. Just when he thought he was out, the cat distribution center pulled him right back in!

Automatic Cat Distribution Center Membership

Nick King, who works tirelessly helping children and families in crisis throughout Los Angeles County, found himself also helping kitties that showed up at his house. It all began a year ago when he was surrounded by meowing kitties in the LA area.

“A year ago today is when the cat distribution system 🐾 found me 🤪,” he shared.

Ever since that first encounter, it seems the kitties have been communicating with each other that Nick’s home is the place to be!

Images and Media via Instagram/strangerkings1984

A Growing Cat Family

A beautiful calico named Moo Moo decided to make her home with Nick’s family. Soon after, they adopted a tabby named Harley, followed by his sister Quinn, who desperately needed help to avoid a kill shelter. But that was just the beginning—Quinn gave birth to six healthy kittens, expanding Nick’s unexpected membership in the cat distribution system.

“Momma Quinn with her new furbabies. We are going to make sure these little kittens are nice and healthy over the next month,” King shared.

A Never-Ending Membership

Shortly after taking in Quinn, another random tuxedo kitty showed up at Nick’s door, wanting inside. Like Quinn, she turned out to be a pregnant mama, Gwanda, who needed a safe place for her litter. Gwanda somehow knew Nick’s home was the place to find sanctuary.

“I don’t know if people are calling around, if the cats are telepathically talking to one another,” Nick joked. “But I come home from work today, and now this cat wants in the house. I want my membership canceled immediately.”

But the cat distribution center had other plans. By the end of the same month, Nick was out taking a walk for coffee when he discovered that Gwanda was just the beginning of another special delivery!

The Cat Distribution Center Will Not Be Denied

“Gwanda showed up last night with a surprise. She introduced us to her four kittens. This absolutely made my week! Now, I need to earn these kittens’ trust so we can take a trip to the vet,” Nick shared.

It turns out that residents in Nick’s apartment complex were caring for an entire colony of tuxedo cats, but they hadn’t gotten them spayed or neutered. This led to an out-of-control kitten population, and the cat distribution center delivered a clowder of tuxie kittens right to Nick’s door!

Images and Media via Instagram/strangerkings1984

In response to Nick’s video about his growing cat family, people shared some hilarious comments:

“Clearly it’s a black-tie event with all of those Tuxedos 🤵‍♂️🤵‍♀️🐈‍⬛😹,” said one follower, Nicole B.

“They were clearly upgraded to a VIP package,” said another follower.

“Well, you now officially run a nonprofit cat rescue!” said Melissa.

“Tuxedos are not chaos. You are lucky you didn’t come across an orange colony,” joked Shanaz.

Cat Distribution Centers at Full Production

As we know, cat distribution centers are at full production all year long in warm climates like Florida or California. As temperatures rise in many places, more kittens are born, and the demand from adopters can’t keep up.

While kind folks like Nick can help a few kitties, it’s beyond any single family’s ability to care for them all. Shelters and rescues struggle to save them all, too. That’s why widespread TNR (trap, neuter, return) programs are essential to control the overall population. Pets must be spayed and neutered, even if they usually stay indoors, as they always seem to find a way to escape when nature calls!

If you love animals like we do, you might find it impossible to resist your cat distribution center membership. Kittens are adorable, and who could resist them? But we’d gladly cancel our memberships to stop the cycle of suffering found on the streets.

“This little kitten loves following me wherever I go and ABSOLUTELY loves me picking it up,” Nick shared.

Images and Media via Instagram/strangerkings1984

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