How Adopting a Senior Kitty Could Be the Higher Purpose You’ve Been Looking For


Are you searching for a deeper sense of purpose in life, something that adds real meaning? If so, rescuers suggest adopting a senior cat like Octavia, who spent years waiting for a home. Offering a senior cat their best Golden Years can be one of the most rewarding experiences.

Octavia’s Long Journey to a New Life

After four long years without finding a home, Octavia got a second chance at life when she was transferred from Texas to New York City’s first cat café, Meow Parlour. When she arrived, the staff discovered this tiny lady was missing all but two teeth due to a condition called stomatitis, yet she remained stunning.

Her true age was a mystery—possibly due to a typo—leaving them guessing she could be anywhere from 9 to infinity years old.

“I like to think that Octavia’s prime years were in the 70s, or maybe she’s actually infinity years old. Or maybe she’s 5, or 9, or 52,” joked rescuer Christina Ha.

A Life Full of Stories

Judging from her weathered fur, hunched back, and raspy voice, it was clear Octavia was a senior survivor with countless stories to tell.

“In the words of her foster, ‘a splendid personality, known for her ominous and judgmental hunching and half-loafing. Very affectionate when in the right mood, she enjoys sitting next to you and watching TV,’” Meow Parlour shared in December 2022.

Though she often appeared grumpy, her tough exterior hid a dignified, soft heart. When she had something to say, it came out in a powerful lounge singer’s voice.

“Santa Octavia is clearly not amused but willing to endure this hat to spotlight our harder-to-adopt cats!” they shared.

Octavia: A Higher Purpose

Despite being a favorite at the café, finding a forever home for Octavia was challenging. Most adopters focused on the cute kittens, leaving this senior cat in need of palliative care for her remaining days. Like many older cats, she had advanced kidney disease, manageable with an easy daily procedure.

For nearly a year, Octavia remained unadopted—until Christina Ha told her story in a captivating and humorous way. The video brought Octavia into the spotlight, allowing people to see her in a new light.

“If you’ve ever wondered what it means to have a higher purpose in life, let me tell you something—your higher purpose could be taking Octavia home for whatever time she has left, letting her drink from your faucets, pee in your sink, and giving her a buffet of all the foods she never got to try during her lifetime of not having a forever family. It could be falling in love with a crispy orange cat and, for a little part of your life, losing yourself to her wants and needs, knowing that what you’re able to give Octavia is better than anything she ever could have hoped for in her 4+ years of searching. Octavia should be everyone’s higher purpose,” wrote Ha.

Octavia’s Dream Comes True

Shortly after the video was shared, Octavia’s dream finally came true—she was going home!

“Huge smiles on everyone’s face at Meow Parlour today because our girl Octavia was adopted!! It’s really emotional for the whole team to know that she will be safe and loved in a home with a doting human,” Meow Parlour shared.

Lady O’s Lap of Luxury

On Instagram, Octavia, now called Lady O, lived out her final days in luxury with two new kitty siblings. Her favorite activities included snuggles, head bumps, and sitting on her new human’s lap—or head!

“Sure, Lady O—take a seat anywhere,” her new mom joked.

A Beautiful Final Chapter

Too soon, Lady O’s time came, and she crossed the rainbow bridge. But in those last days, she experienced the love she deserved, thanks to a family that found their higher purpose in adopting her. What a beautiful final chapter they gave her.

“Was reminiscing today on my sweet Lady O. Looking through her pictures, I was struck with gratitude and love that I was able to share her last few days. Although short, our time together was perfect. I think about you daily, my sweet girl,” her mom shared.

Adopting a senior cat like Octavia could be the higher purpose you’ve been looking for—a chance to provide love, care, and dignity to a deserving animal in their twilight years.

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