Scabies-Covered Cat Rescued from Car Wash Colony, Transformed into a Mesmerizing House Panther


For those who stumble upon the social media account of a sleek black house panther named Jango, they’re in for a heartwarming story. Known as on Instagram, this captivating cat’s journey began as a stray with a severe case of mange that nearly left him blind.

But everything changed when he was rescued from a local car wash colony, and Jango’s eyes were opened to a brand new life.

A Mission of Compassion: Rescuing Jango Cat Man Chris [Poole] took on the mission to rescue Jango from the streets of Tampa. At a local car wash, he discovered an entire colony of black cats. While the workers at the business provided food, they knew the cats needed more than just that. The busiest danger was the four-lane road just in front of the location, a potential hazard for the cats’ safety and a focal point for future rescues.

Chris began the process of feeding the cats and gaining their trust. It wasn’t long before he noticed something different about one of the felines. Sitting alone and shunned by the others, this cat broke Chris’s heart. Covered in mange, the feline’s condition was dire, and Chris knew rescuing him would be a challenge.

The Struggle to Save Jango The cat, who would later be named Jango, was tricky to catch due to his poor eyesight. Cold and hungry, he huddled up at night, making traps ineffective. Finally, Chris resorted to netting him the next morning to get him off the streets and begin the urgent medical care he needed.

With the help of local fosterer @aubree.rescues.animals, Jango was treated for the severe mange. With dedication, regular baths, and medication, mange is a manageable condition.

As Jango’s transformation began, and his eyes opened, everyone was treated to the sight of his stunning orange peepers—now full of love and trust after the pain and fear had been washed away.

A New Chapter: From Stray to Social Butterfly Jango’s journey didn’t end with his physical recovery. It took the support of a special friend to help him truly come out of his shell. Once cleared of mange, Jango went to stay with foster mom Tabatha and @rescuelogan.

With Logan by his side, Jango began to thrive. The once-stray and sickly cat transformed into a social, confident, and loving housecat. But this was just the first step—Jango needed a forever home.

A Happy Ending: Jango Finds His Forever Family Thanks to the support of Logan’s fanbase and a video shared by Chris on his YouTube channel, Jango’s story reached a wider audience. On June 25th, 2019, Chris shared the joyful news on Facebook:

“Happy Tails! ❤ Jango was adopted by the purr-fect couple and he’s settling in very well to his new home…”

Jango had found his forever home, complete with a huge screened-in patio, a pool, and two new brothers, Snoopy and Sunny!

His journey from a mange-covered stray to a cherished family member was celebrated by his new fanbase, who continue to follow his adventures on Instagram.

A Testament to Compassion: Jango’s Story Witnessing the transformation of Jango—from a mange-crusted stray to a squirmy house panther who loves being petted—is a glorious thing. Though he still keeps a bit of his wild, instinctual nature, Jango’s story is a powerful reminder of the impact compassion can have.

A Legacy of Love and Care Jango’s transformation earned him the August spot in the Cat Man Chris 2020 calendar.

His story, like many others, serves as a reminder that when one person chooses to help, when a team of rescuers works together, amazing transformations can happen. Let Jango’s journey inspire us all to not judge by appearances and to remember the power of compassion in changing lives.

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