Purrfectly Matched Soul Mates Rescue Each Other!


There are times in life when we find the stars aligning perfectly, and the thing we desire most appears within our reach. Our dreams are answered, and all is right with the world. This is exactly what happened to mom Christina Humphreys from Oklahoma and her son Madden. She stumbled across a social media post featuring a unique cat with a cleft lip and heterochromia—one blue eye and one green—up for adoption.


The 2-year-old cat, originally named Valentine, had been rescued by Mending Spirits Animal Rescue in Mankato, Minnesota.

What makes this story so beautiful is that 7-year-old Madden and the feline were BOTH born with a cleft lip and heterochromia! Knowing just how much Madden would relate to the special cat, Christina vowed to stop at nothing to bring the two together. With the help of friends and caring strangers, the family secured the adoption. Christina, along with her three sons, embarked on a 30-hour round trip excursion to pick up their newest family member.

Madden was overjoyed to meet his new fur-brother and renamed the cat Moon. The kindred spirits immediately connected. Adorably, Moon snuggled up to his new human without hesitation.

They “knew they were destined to be best friends. Funny how a pet can make you feel less alone.”

This is not Madden’s first time sharing his love and inspiration with the world. He was an unfortunate victim of bullying on his school bus, which began affecting how he viewed himself. Known to be a usually outgoing, friendly, and fun kid, his parents worked with him to change his perception of bullies. Once he was feeling back to his amazing self, he was eager to show everyone how special he is.

“If somebody’s being mean to you, be nice to them. Because the most unlovable people need love the most,” Madden wisely states.

Now that Madden and Moon have found each other, they are loving life together. Each day, the family works to make Moon more comfortable in his new forever home. In return, Moon gratefully showers them with love, snuggles, and purrs. The magical gift that allowed these two precious souls to find each other is truly a wonder.

If you’d like to follow their journey, the family has started an Instagram page

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