Vet Reassures Foster Mom That Her Dog Is Not Pregnant, Then Comes A Surprise


Cheesecake’s Journey: From Stray to Beloved Foster

Cheesecake was a little stray wandering around Oklahoma until she was rescued by A Friend of Jack, a local rescue organization. Soon after, a woman named Iliana Broad heard about this sweet puppy needing a foster home. Iliana fell in love with Cheesecake at first sight and decided to take her in.

A New Life in Denver

Since Iliana lived in Denver, Cheesecake had to be flown in from Oklahoma. Iliana didn’t mind the logistics, knowing a better life awaited Cheesecake.

“At that stage, our goal is really just to make sure the new foster settles in OK, eats food, starts filling out and gaining weight, and can get some rest,” Iliana shared.

Cheesecake settled well into her new home, but Iliana soon noticed something unusual about her foster pup.

A Hidden Secret

Iliana realized Cheesecake was showing early signs of pregnancy. She asked the team at A Friend of Jack if they had any information, but they were unaware of any pregnancy and recommended a vet visit. The vet’s scan showed no visible puppies.

A Growing Belly

Convinced Cheesecake wasn’t pregnant, Iliana took her home but kept a close eye on her. As Cheesecake’s belly grew, Iliana became more certain something was going on.

Iliana trusted her instincts, believing Cheesecake was indeed pregnant and had been too early in her term for the first scans to detect. She decided to take Cheesecake for another vet visit. This time, the scans revealed a surprise: Cheesecake was pregnant and just days away from giving birth.

“The imaging showed so many puppies that we couldn’t even be sure how many there were. One vet said nine, another said ten, and we all just laughed about how bonkers that imaging was!” Iliana recalled.

A New Mom

A week later, with Iliana’s help, Cheesecake gave birth to nine adorable and healthy puppies. The litter was named after popular cake flavors: Mocha, Oreo, Pumpkin, Strawberry, Blueberry, Cocoa, Fudge, Vanilla Bean, and Turtle.

Unexpected Challenges

Unfortunately, Cheesecake fell ill immediately after delivering her puppies and couldn’t nurse them. Iliana and her partner stepped in, bottle-feeding each pup. Despite the hard work, Iliana didn’t mind at all.

A Forever Home

After going through so much together, Iliana and her partner decided to officially adopt Cheesecake. All nine puppies found forever homes in no time, being so adorable.

Cheesecake now lives her best life, focusing on herself without the worries of street life.

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