Dog Who Looks Like a Puppy Is Not a Puppy After All


You’d think he’s not a day over one year old, but the truth is quite different.

Meet Ziggy, the rescue dog who, despite his age, still acts like a playful puppy.

Did he fall into a cauldron of magic potion that granted him eternal youth? It sure seems that way!

With his exuberant personality and bouncy attitude, Ziggy often deceives people on the streets of New York into thinking he’s much younger than he is.

People try to guess the age of charming Ziggy as he cruises the streets, but they’re almost always wrong. Once you hear his age and his rescue story, you’ll be quite surprised.

It’s Never Too Late to Rescue a Dog

Like many mixed-breed dogs, Ziggy ended up in a shelter as a young pup.

“I found Ziggy online. He had been turned in and abandoned at a shelter in Texas,” says Ziggy’s mom in a video by Cuddle Buddies. “Then he was sent up to Waggy Tail Rescue in New York and placed with a wonderful foster family. I just knew we were meant to be.”

But Ziggy’s journey wasn’t all rainbows and sprinkles. He was in a terrible state due to years of neglect. His coat had bald patches, and that was just the beginning.

A thorough examination revealed that Ziggy was suffering from hyperthyroidism, a condition that causes weight loss despite a healthy appetite, hyperactivity, increased blood pressure, and heart rate.

Once prescribed the medication he would need for the rest of his life, Ziggy started to feel better. The change was visible—his hair began to grow back, and his mood improved significantly.

Despite his youthful energy, Ziggy was ten years old when Isabelle, his mom, adopted him.

“He really loves to explore and observe the world. He enjoys watching all the action and smelling all the scents. That transformation was the most amazing thing for me. I feel like the luckiest person in the world that I found him and that he chose me,” Isabelle shares.

Isabelle adopted a senior dog, but she didn’t see it as a risk. She gave an old soul a chance to see how beautiful life could be, and that’s just wonderful. It took a while, but Ziggy found his forever family—the one that adores him to the bone.

Ziggy the Instagram Star

When Isabelle rescued Ziggy, he was almost skin and bones, with a rat tail, bald spots, and no hair on his ears. Malnourishment had taken its toll.

After some time with Isabelle and his new family, Ziggy began to blossom into a stunning pooch. When he got in the best shape of his life, people on the streets started asking Isabelle if Ziggy was a puppy. That’s how great he looked.

No one could believe that the little pup had over a decade of life experience behind him. Ziggy had gone through a lot, and yet he remained a tiny, cheerful fellow.

Spending time with Ziggy showed Isabelle that he had been holding in a lot of trauma. Over time, he learned how to unwind and let it go, revealing his real, bubbly personality.

No wonder Ziggy is such a unique dog—he’s a mix of many breeds. Isabelle did a DNA test, and according to Embark and Wisdom, Ziggy is part Maltese, part Chihuahua, part Yorkie, part Australian Cattle Dog, and part Pomeranian.

Can you name a more creative mutt? Mother Nature played her cards well and gave Ziggy the best traits from all those breeds.

And he was destined to look great one day. All it took was a bit of love and care, and Ziggy’s glow-up was granted.

This forever puppy has won over the Internet with his adorable videos and photogenic skills. Ziggy is definitely a star on Instagram with thousands of followers.

Even after all these years on Earth, Ziggy still has the spark in his eyes that makes us believe he’s a puppy trapped in an old dog’s body.


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