God’s Teachings for Today


God’s Message:

My child, feel the pulse of my Divine energy around you, enveloping you in unconditional love and eternal wisdom. Today, I come to you with three pieces of guidance that will help you become a better person and a better Christian. The last one will undoubtedly help you a lot, so please stay with me until the end.

1. The Path of Faith

Firstly, I want you to deeply understand that the path of faith is not devoid of challenges or tribulations. Regardless of your failures or weaknesses, your worth is not based on material achievements but rather on your relationship with me and your Divine purpose in this world.

In your journey, you will encounter moments of darkness where doubt will try to undermine your faith. In these moments, remember that the light within you is an extension of my own light. Banish the darkness with the flame of your faith, for it is a powerful force capable of dispelling the darkest shadows. Do not fear the questions that arise in your mind, for it is through them that your understanding expands and your faith strengthens. Seek wisdom in every word of my sacred scripture, for in them you will find answers to the deepest questions of your heart.

Do not be discouraged by criticism or the judgment of others, for I know you intimately and accept you exactly as you are. Love yourself as I love you, for only through self-love can you radiate my love to the world around you. Do not forget to nurture your connection with me through prayer. In these moments of solitude, you will find peace of mind, and your soul will be renewed by my presence. Know that each of your actions has the power to influence the destiny of countless souls, so choose wisely and act with love in everything you do.

2. The Transformative Power of Forgiveness

My beloved child, I’m here today to talk to you about the transformative power of forgiveness. Understand that forgiveness is not only an action that frees the one who erred but also the one who was hurt. When you carry the weight of resentment and bitterness in your heart, you imprison your own soul in a cycle of pain and suffering. It’s understandable that in the face of injustices and betrayals, you may feel tempted to nurture anger and the desire for revenge. However, it’s important to understand that forgiveness is not a sign of weakness but rather of inner strength.

By forgiving those who have hurt you, you free yourself from the burden of the past and make space for healing and spiritual growth. Forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean forgetting what was done, but rather choosing not to let bitterness rule your heart. Remember that I myself am a God of forgiveness, whose mercy extends to all who sincerely repent of their mistakes. Just as I forgive you, I also call you to forgive those who have offended you—not for their sake, but out of love for yourself and obedience to my commandments.

3. Living with Gratitude

Lastly, my beloved, I want to talk to you about the importance of living with gratitude in your heart. I ask you today, from the bottom of my heart, to pay special attention to gratitude. Amidst life’s challenges and difficulties, it’s easy to focus only on what’s lacking and forget all the blessings that have already been granted to you. Be thankful for every breath, for every ray of sunshine that brightens your day, and for every person who is part of your journey. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude in everything you do, for this is the key to opening the doors of abundance and happiness in your life.

Be thankful for what is yet to come in your life. Be thankful for the blessings, for they will materialize. Be thankful as if you’ve already received them, for my desire is for you to be happy, and I will do my best for you, my child. Blessings are being sent your way, and what I ask of you is to have faith with all your might and be grateful for what you’ve already received and for the blessings that are on their way.

May these words guide and inspire you.

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