Here’s to All the Mothers Saving Families Like This Ginger Mama Cat and Her Orange Octuplet!


On Mother’s Day—and indeed throughout the year—we celebrate all mothers who go to extraordinary lengths for their little ones. This includes all the devoted mama cats out there who tirelessly care for their kittens under the most challenging circumstances. Each day, these feline mothers are discovered by rescuers, battling the odds to nurture their litters in less-than-ideal conditions.

And let’s not forget the rescuers and foster mothers who act as real-life angels, providing a safe haven for vulnerable mother cats and their offspring when they most desperately need it.

An Uncommon Ginger Mama Searches for Shelter

In Illinois, a ginger tabby named Kate sought refuge. It’s rare to see a female ginger tabby since about 80% of gingers are males, like the famous Marmalade. However, Kate’s situation was about to become even more exceptional following the birth of her litter.

Outside, Kate gave birth to eight ginger kittens. Disaster could have struck at any moment, but fortunately, a guardian angel intervened. A kind-hearted Samaritan set up a cardboard box, hoping it would offer her shelter, and kept her supplied with food and water. However, Kate was not keen on this makeshift solution. Where would she find safety for her young?

Mother cats are adept at seeking out secure spots for their kittens, yet their choices can sometimes lead them into perilous situations, such as hiding in attics, walls, car engines, or even airplanes.

Rescuers and a Foster Mom Come to the Rescue!

Kate and her kittens might have vanished, but that’s when The Purrfect Cat Rescue Inc. stepped in. With the support of individuals like Deb, affectionately known as ‘shelter mommy,’ Kate no longer had to worry. She was provided a loving foster home, complete safety, veterinary care, and all the nutrition needed to nurture a healthy litter.

“We are thrilled to have Mom and her babies off the streets and in a fantastic foster home where they will be brought up-to-date medically and eventually find their forever homes. Each one of them is absolutely precious. Their lives are forever changed for the better,” Deb told Cole and Marmalade.

“A bed full of shenanigans!” Leonard J. described the lively scene. Photos courtesy of Purrfect Cat Rescue Inc. in Crystal Lake, IL depict the lively bunch.

An Octuplet of the Cutest Ginger Babies

Kate’s octuplet of kittens is thriving in their foster home. Remarkably, among them are five ginger females—a highly unusual number, as they inherited the rare orange genes from both parents. While males need only one orange gene from the X chromosome, making them more commonly ginger, these little ladies are a delightful exception.

The brood includes:

  • Kate (the mama cat)
  • Arthur
  • George
  • Louie
  • Lilibet
  • Beatrice
  • Charlotte
  • Sarah
  • Zara

Now safely housed, Kate has finally accepted a cardboard box as her shelter.

As the foster mom joyously reports,

“It is very challenging to do a head count with this group.

They keep moving, and you have to start over since they’re all identical!” Thanks to ample nutrition, Kate easily keeps the ‘milk bar’ open 24/7 for her eager kittens.

For further updates, follow along with Purrfect Cat Rescue, Inc. on Facebook and Instagram.

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