God Proclaims: I KNOW YOUR DISDAIN FOR ME, BUT WHY? | Divine Revelation | God’s Call |


Today, God implores you: “Trust in me, my cherished child. Hear me, your Creator, who formed you with a distinct purpose. I yearn for our conversations; draw near to me once again. I am eager to hear your thoughts. Always recall your authentic essence and cling to that which is noble. Look forward to a future filled with kindness and benevolence. My faith in you is steadfast; I am confident in your ability to surmount any challenge. You are never alone—I am right beside you. Share this message with six others and witness the blessings grow. Venturing into new beginnings might seem intimidating, but remain brave and courageous. As your guide and protector, I am with you at every step. As my beloved, I assure you—you are never abandoned. Though the path I lead you on may differ from others, fear not. Trust in my guidance and in your prayers. Seek my way, and pray not only for yourself but for everyone, as each soul merits compassion, being created in my image. Return to me with all your heart; my arms are open wide to receive you. Embrace forgiveness and understanding. Your trust in me is mirrored in your dedication to this message. If you believe in me, let it be evident. Today, as these words reach you, the Lord calls you to release your burdens and entrust them to me. Move forward, knowing my love for you is boundless. I desire a closer relationship—a friendship where you can share anything as with a trusted friend. Remember, you are immensely valuable to me, a true reflection of my creation, perfectly understood and deeply cherished. I promise liberation from your adversities, transforming your darkest hours into light. Observe the wonderful people I have placed in your life; they care deeply about you. Material wealth—possessions, vehicles, attire, or properties—will not follow you beyond this life. Therefore, live in a manner that aligns with the values and direction I have set for you. Life’s true essence is not measured by material wealth but by the relationships and experiences that truly enrich your soul. Fear is natural, yet know that I am here to soothe and rejuvenate your spirit. Bring me your troubles, and let me ease your mind. Engaging with this message to the end is a sign of your faith in me. If you believe in God, type ‘Amen.'”

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